Consider the lowly gnat. One of our most humble and irritating members of the Sciaroidea family of insects. It is a peculiar little beast which…


Octogenarian. Now I can use a six-syllable name for myself. This opens a whole new world of opportunity for me. I can introduce myself as…

The Good Husband

The good husband comes home after work without stopping at a bar or an off-site betting establishment. Drinking and gambling addictions are death to a…

Let’s Talk Old

 “Old” is a relative term.  Is a person old who has 65 years compared to a person who has 90 years?  What would the 90…

I’ve Been Thinking

What if only mothers ruled the nations? Like breeds like. Like does not breed unlike. How do I define I. With a wink, God could…

Sci-Fi Movie Flops

The Attack of the Giant Sprinkler Heads: starring Jack Pointer, Mitzi Garth, and Clyde Overpass.  Story Line: technology runs amok. Ms. Garth’s performance was underwhelming.…

What did he say?

There are five identifiable themes in all great literature: life, death, love, redemption, and peanut butter. Most of what has been said, has been said.…

A Baker’s Dozen

Science doesn’t contradict creationism.  It confirms it. I am not now, nor have I ever been, a candidate for the Presidency of the United States. …

Interlude #2

I keep getting these curious thoughts about stuff. I can’t contain them to myself.  So here you go. Provocative?  I was thinking about current news…