What if only mothers ruled the nations?

Like breeds like. Like does not breed unlike.

How do I define I.

With a wink, God could obliterate the universe.  But why would He?

Students at all levels are taught to memorize, not to think and reason.

Where does time go when you are done with it?

For my brother: “Johnny Evans is a steamboat captain.”

There are 100 billion neurons in the human brain…wasted.

Physicists look for a unified field theory in vain. Why? Because it is right in front of them.

Master yourself or you will be mastered.

What is the dividing line between “enough” and “more?”

Government:  an artificial and cancerous organization created to protect us from ourselves; historically a punitive autocratic system for brutalizing by force the powerless many to be subservient to the aristocratic few; subsequent enlightened governments found force less efficient than anesthesia for control.


Violence may have nothing to do with courage; courage may have nothing to do with violence: most often they stand alone.

For my dad: “Why is a duck? Because the higher he flies the much.”

Nothing is blank and white anymore (“If you vote for Trump you ain’t black”).  The only thing for certain is mathematics. But I’m waiting for someone to say, “I identify four as a three”. If challenged, you will be called numeral-phobic and prejudiced. Or perhaps “my opinion is that a four is really a three.” If you disagree, you’re a racist who has impinged on my constitutional rites.

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