Let’s Talk Old

 “Old” is a relative term.  Is a person old who has 65 years compared to a person who has 90 years?  What would the 90…

I’ve Been Thinking

What if only mothers ruled the nations? Like breeds like. Like does not breed unlike. How do I define I. With a wink, God could…

Sci-Fi Movie Flops

The Attack of the Giant Sprinkler Heads: starring Jack Pointer, Mitzi Garth, and Clyde Overpass.  Story Line: technology runs amok. Ms. Garth’s performance was underwhelming.…

What did he say?

There are five identifiable themes in all great literature: life, death, love, redemption, and peanut butter. Most of what has been said, has been said.…

A Baker’s Dozen

Science doesn’t contradict creationism.  It confirms it. I am not now, nor have I ever been, a candidate for the Presidency of the United States. …

Interlude #2

I keep getting these curious thoughts about stuff. I can’t contain them to myself.  So here you go. Provocative?  I was thinking about current news…

Soulless Finis

This post is a long time coming. It’s not writer’s block. It’s just that there is so much to say about how government has contributed…


   Everyone has been educated in some fashion. Some more than others. Some more wisely than others.   Some more effectively than others. In my book…