The Attack of the Giant Sprinkler Heads: starring Jack Pointer, Mitzi Garth, and Clyde Overpass. Story Line: technology runs amok. Ms. Garth’s performance was underwhelming.
They Came from Walmart: staring Ringo Mirage, John Cody, and Madeline Thornwhistle. Story Line: a collage of hideously dressed shoppers on a rampage. Fun Fact: Mr. Cody was up for the lead role of Moses in DeMille’s The Ten Commandments but pulled a hamstring playing checkers with his wife’s mother-in-law.
AS Artificial Stupidity; Paul Rouge, Bart Longstreet, and Diane Bluevice. Story Line: Poignant, heartbreaking film noir of the bitter contest between ignorant and stupid.
13 Porcupines: Barbara Sterling, John Vandemeter and Tyler Perimount. Story Line: New Age pyschometric testing of porcupines goes awry…13 rogue porcupines escape and wreak terror and death in Walla Walla. Spine tingling.
Dark Darkness; Sybyl McFarland, Tye Rolling, and Sonya Casanati ; cameo appearance by Dyson Aldante. Story Line: Experimental film with audio only supplemented by black screen photography. Very film noir. Actors gave bravado performance. Aldante sizzles.
RoboCPA: Bobby Batista, Rick Muncie, Charlie Franz, and Faith Furness. Story Line: A remake of the 1939 classic “Busted Pencil”. Massive amounts of Easter eggs. Much fun. Twisted ending.
A Clockwork pink: Marge Underwood, Bobby Reynaldo, Richard Moccasin, Dominic Ferlingetti. Story Line: In a dystopian future where food is used as reward or punishment, MIT dropouts discover that flamingo beaks have been found in a gold-plated dumpster… a hint about the food chain. Ticket goers get complementary plastic flamingos. Keep your head down in this one.
The radiator: Solo performance by Juan Ballistic. Story line: Third class citizen wakes to find he has been transformed into a car radiator. Becomes a slave of maniac vintage Edsel owner. Hot stuff but lacks motivation.
Invasion: Fresno: Bruno Cattalini, Dorothy Groats, Timothy Nutton. Story Line: Johnny Evans is a storm boat captain caught smuggling contraband cockroaches into the heart of the city. Fun Fact: Choreographer Blanche Heresay was awarded special Oscar for miniature chorus line performance.