Everyone has been educated in some fashion. Some more than others. Some more wisely than others.   Some more effectively than others. In my book “The History of Education in America” I have shown how education has systematically deteriorated over time (see graph page 32). For those who have not read “History” I am obliged to provide a summary.

  My research (see notes in appendix) has identified the progressions in which I believe education should be held responsible. Learning should begin with the assumption that every individual should be taught the basic skills and tools of life. The world is a complex sandbox that demands preparation through education.  The three “R’s” are an example of this formative education.  Without the basic knowledge of reading and writing and figuring, one’s future is extremely limited.  With this basic knowledge, however,  one can explore life on a much grander scale.  The three “R’s” and their augmentations are the first and necessary tools that go into the education toolbox.   One may learn all that one needs to successfully be a productive and fulfilled individual at the end of 12 years of their education.

   Secondly, at the next level of education, there are many who may be given an opportunity to participate in a more sophisticated learning environment.  The all-inclusive learning process experience is replaced with a narrowing of focus to a specific category of knowledge. The toolbox is bigger, and the tools are more distinct and precise.  The educational goal at this level of education should be in the achievement of broader opportunities for productivity and fulfilment of life.

   The third and I submit the most important level of education to be taught is wisdom.  “Wisdom is the right use of knowledge for laudable ends and the best means to accomplish these ends.”  (Oxford English Dictionary).  Wisdom is the art of discerning the good and how the good is achieved. Wisdom is the right and true application of knowledge.  It is a fallacy to believe that persons with much knowledge and high intellect are automatically wise (Chapter 8 in “History”).

To acquire wisdom, one must first understand its value and secondly one must desperately seek it out.  You do not find a “Wisdom” course in university.

   In an earlier post, I identified the institutions most accountable to provide a halter on our innate bent to brutishness.  (see post “Soulless in America”) Historically we have looked to parenting, education and the law to be the restraining influences. I also outlined the guiding purpose of these three critical forces: to be patriotic, law-abiding, diligent, responsible, and moral.

   Early childhood indoctrination into an agenda (“woke”) first takes time away from the academics. Secondly, it is not healthy to introduce volatile social issues to impressionable young minds.  So many leave school with a skewed, confused, and obscured worldview…think juvenile suicide and juvenile mass murderers.  Where is the school that teaches reason and logic and the necessity and importance of thinking for oneself?  The woke agenda prefers a duped mob. Independent and reasoning adults need not apply…or are shouted down.

   Higher education is fed these pre-influenced and malleable units to fine tune the agenda to the not quite adult generation.  I just point to the mindless mob of university students recently demonstrating their fierce antisemitism.  No need to find out where this comes from.

    I’ve said enough about education.  The only thing left to ask is what is the end game objective in all this? “What rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?”. (W.B. Yeats)

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